Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharist: 8:30 A.M.
Holy Eucharist: 10:30 A.M.
What is the Holy Eucharist?
It goes by several names: Holy Communion, the Eucharist (which literally means “thanksgiving”), mass. But whatever it’s called, this is the family meal for Christians and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. As such, all persons who have been baptized, and are therefore part of the extended family that is the Church, are welcome to receive the bread and wine, and be in communion with God and each other.
Virtual Options for 10:30 AM Service
Dial 1-929-205-6099, when asked for the meeting ID enter 723 746 0568. If asked to enter a participant ID, please skip this step and enter #. When you join the call, you will be muted by default. Please do not unmute yourself unless you are asked to do so, which can be done by entering *6.
Use the link https://zoom.us/j/7237460568 to access or when asked enter the meeting ID in a prompt, enter 723 746 0568.
Go to https://youtube.com/user/chsmattapan and you will see a “Live” option for worship Sunday mornings. Click on the Live Option.
Devotional Prayer Sessions are every morning Monday to Saturday from 6:00AM to 6:30AM. Prayer sessions are only accessible by Phone or Zoom using the same sign on information as worship services.
Thank you so very much for your continued participation in lifting up prayers for God’s people during this COVAD -19 Crisis. Please continue to share this information within our congregation especially those who do not have computers and only phones.